Goose & Sophie

All the classes read some books of Sophie and Goose in English, and we decided to imagine 4 new books ! We learnt how to draw Sophie, how to draw Goose, the colours for the youngest ones in order to paint the pages and a big work on how to write properly the texts going with the illustrations. We ‘d like to share this experience with Laura Wall. We’re going to write her and invite her to come in our school then we’ll send her our 4 imagined books. We hope she will get in touch with us ! Fingers crossed !  

Avec Jenny, toutes les classes participent à ce nouveau projet de création de 4 nouveaux livres dans la continuité de la série d’albums « Goose & Sophie » de Laura Wall. (

Après avoir découvert tous les albums, les élèves ont pu se mettre à l’œuvre en se répartissant les tâches :

Les TPS-PS-MS se chargent des fonds de page, les GS-CP-CE1 dessinent Goose et les CE2-CM1-CM2 dessinent Sophie et écrivent les textes.

Et voici le résultat : 1er livre collaboratif entre la classe de CP et CE :

le livre de GS et CM1

Les élèves souhaitent inviter l’auteur Laura Wall à l’école afin de présenter leur projet et le résultat des 4 nouvels albums créés. En attendant, les élèves lui montrent les beaux paysages de notre Bretagne :

Réponse de Laura Wall :

« Hi Jennifer and all the children at Sacre Coeur,

 WOW! I love these stories so much! I really hope I am not too late replying, I have been visiting schools here in Devon where I live and only just been able to read your stories. I am sorry for my late reply, I wanted to read them all properly! 

 I was laughing so much, I absolutely love all of them, but particularly I love Goose and his Family. The characters Goose meets are so funny! The illustrations are fantastic and the stories are all very creative. You have all worked so hard!

 Gosh! Didn’t Sophie and Goose have a lot of dressing up costumes?! I was very impressed with all the things they dressed up in!

 Well done children. You should all be very proud of yourselves, what great illustrators and authors you are with brilliant imaginations! And how fantastic Jennifer that you created these books with them, I am going to share them with my publisher as I know they will be delighted to see how the children have been so inspired! 

 Thank you and have a fantastic summer holiday!

 Love Laura Wall »


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